Paper Submissions

Manuscript Submission Rules

  1. All material must be electronically submitted via the EDAS portal:
  2. Finalized manuscripts must be in PDF and must pass the compatibility check of the IEEE PDF eXpress, which may be found here: When first using this tool you must set up an account (note “New Users” there). The conference ID is 57389X..
  3. Authors must adhere to the IEEE two-column format of the paper templates found under the “Author Toolkit” at the conference website,
  4. The recommended paper length is 4 pages, and the maximum allowed length is 6 pages for the regular papers, 2 pages for short papers and 1 page for posters.
  5. The submitted file size is to be limited to 10 MB.
  6. Manuscripts must be written in English.
  7. Manuscript title, authors, and their affiliations should be clearly stated at the beginning of the document text in the format shown in the template. This information must also be entered separately into the manuscript submission system. Physical addresses are not needed.
  8. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee to ensure that the content and layout of the document meet the IEEE standards.
  9. The review comments sent to authors must to be taken into account in the submission of finalized ‘camera ready’ manuscripts. There is no need to send a separate response to the reviewers.
  10. All authors will be required to electronically sign the IEEE Copyright form, assigning the IEEE rights to the published material.
  11. Published papers will be sent to the IEEE Xplore® after the conference, at which time the reuse of the published material will require permission from the IEEE.

Paper Submission Procedure

Step 1. Make sure that your paper adheres to the conference’s template and is either in MS Word or PDF format (the final manuscript, submitted as the ‘camera ready’ revision for publication, must be in PDF).
Step 2. Go to the submission website: and either use “Registration” to create a new account, or log in using an existing account.
Step 3. Create a new submission (using the button under the “Author Console” header)
  1. You will be asked to enter the following information for your new submission:
    1. Title
    2. Abstract (Limit 1000 characters)
    3. Authors (You will be able to add co-authors by entering their email addresses. You can remove or re-order authors using the buttons on the right side of the author list).
    4. Subject area (Please select the subject area for your paper from the available list, or “none of the above.” This selection will be used for reviewer identification).
    5. File upload (You must upload at least one PDF file at the time of submission; however, you will be able to revise this file up until the submission deadline).
  2. Submit the paper by clicking on “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
Step 4. If you also serve as a paper reviewer for the conference, or are aware of reviewers that are either a co-author, colleague, collaborator, or relative, they must be identified as potentially having a conflict of interest.

Up until the initial submission deadline you will be able to edit the submission details and revise your paper from the Author Console. You will also be able to edit your manuscript after receiving the review comments, up until the deadline for the submission of finalized ‘camera ready’ revisions.

Review Decisions and Final Paper Submission

Review decisions will be emailed to authors by Feb 24,2023. Finalized revisions of accepted papers, which are expected to consider the review comments, are to be submitted by TBD.
Instructions for final paper submission will appear in a separate document in the “Author Toolkit”.

We hope that you find the paper submission process easy to follow. If you encounter difficulties or have questions regarding it, please email the conference publications chair, Dr. Hung Luyen, at

Thank you for contributing to the 16th IEEE Dallas Circuits and Systems Conference, 2023!

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!